Polypropylene packing tape is an inexpensive, cross-functional and convenient packing material. Plastic tape is used to ensure that the finished product is rigidly connected to the pallets, put in several layers and stacked. We will help you choose the right size of the tape for the goals and objectives of your business. The maximum breaking force of the strongest tape is 400 kgf, the product can be pulled together in several places. The tape is made on cardboard spools of 3 diameters: 150, 200, 406 mm. We can also make a ribbon of any color, as well as apply your logo, company name or any markings. This will make your product distinguish and create additional advertising. We can send free samples to check the quality.
width:15 mm
Thickness:1 mm
Breaking force: 300 kgf
Length:1200 m
Raw material type: Primary polypropylene
Aplicação de pó quasicristalino Al-Cu-Fe:
• Filler para polímeros e elastômeros para melhorar as características físicas, mecânicas e antifricção, resistência ao desgaste, hidrofobicidade e adesão. Aumento significativo da resistência ao desgaste em Teflon (PTFE), em Sulfeto de Polifenileno (PPS);
• Filler para polímeros em pó utilizados em impressão 3D, manufatura aditiva de Sinterização Seletiva a Laser (SLS);
• Desenvolvimento de novos materiais compósitos e ligas com características melhoradas em relação ao original;
• Reduzir as perdas por atrito, aumentando a vida útil das unidades e conjuntos, aumentando a eficiência energética e reduzindo o consumo de energia dos equipamentos como aditivo nos sistemas de lubrificação dos mecanismos;
• Criação de revestimentos: antifricção, antiaderente, antiaderente, hidrofóbico, reduzindo o nível de depósitos e escória de tubos e recipientes.
Polypropylen-Verpackungsband ist ein preiswertes, vielseitiges und praktisches Verpackungsmaterial. Die Kunststoffumreifungsbänder werden verwendet, um sicherzustellen, dass die fertigen Produkte fest mit den Paletten verbunden sind, in mehreren Lagen gestapelt und gestapelt werden.
Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl der richtigen Bandgröße für Ihre Unternehmensziele. Das stärkste Band hat eine maximale Zugfestigkeit von 400 kG und die Produkte können an mehreren Stellen befestigt werden.
Das Band wird auf Pappspulen mit 3 Durchmessern hergestellt: 150, 200, 406 mm.
Wir können das Band auch in jeder beliebigen Farbe herstellen und Ihr Logo, Ihren Firmennamen oder andere Kennzeichnungen anbringen. Dadurch hebt sich Ihr Produkt von anderen ab und schafft zusätzliche Aufmerksamkeit.
Wir können Ihnen kostenlose Muster schicken, um die Qualität zu prüfen.
Breite:15 mm
Dicke:0,8 mm
Bruchkraft:240 kG
Länge:2000 m
Rohstofftyp:Primäres Polypropylen
Polypropylene packing tape is an inexpensive, cross-functional and convenient packing material. Plastic tape is used to ensure that the finished product is rigidly connected to the pallets, put in several layers and stacked. We will help you choose the right size of the tape for the goals and objectives of your business. The maximum breaking force of the strongest tape is 400 kgf, the product can be pulled together in several places. The tape is made on cardboard spools of 3 diameters: 150, 200, 406 mm. We can also make a ribbon of any color, as well as apply your logo, company name or any markings. This will make your product distinguish and create additional advertising. We can send free samples to check the quality.
Width:13 mm
Thickness:1 mm
Breaking force:300 kgf
Length:1200 m
Raw material type:Primary polypropylene